Can Dogs Eat Carrots? Find Out Here

can dogs eat carrots edited

Can dogs eat carrots? Keep reading to find out.


Animals can be divided into three bases on their eating habit. Some are herbivores. And some animals are carnivores. While others are omnivores.

The omnivores are animals that eat both meat and plant products. The dog also falls to this class of animals.

The transition from obligate carnivorous to omnivorous feeding habit by a dog was aided by the development of digestive enzymes. This enzyme is called amylase.

Dogs, unlike other omnivores, they do not take all kinds of plant products due to the nature of their digestive system.

They digest starch but in small quantities. This is where fruits and vegetables come in handy.

Moreover, not all fruits and vegetables are good for dogs because some fruits and vegetables have a high glycemic index and load compared to others.

Therefore, dog owners have to be selective when serving their dogs with fruits and vegetables.

The questions here is, can dogs eat carrots? keep reading to find out.

can dogs eat carrots

Carrots were shown to be good for dogs and can help provide the following health benefits to your dog:

Help Improve Eyesight

Carrots are a reservoir of many vitamin A. And this vitamin is important for proper eye functioning. Carrots can help prevent eye infections and increase blood flow to the eye tissues.

Adding carrots to your dog’s treat or as a snack is beneficial for your dog’s eyesight.

Increase Insulin Sensitivity

Carrots contain a high amount of antioxidants which are important in increasing insulin sensitivity. This helps improve glucose and glycogen metabolism.

Help Prevent Weight Gain

Factors responsible for weight include excess glucose in the bloodstream and stored glycogen in the body. And carrots were shown to control and prevent insulin resistance. This helps increase glucose and glycogen metabolism in the body, which in turn prevents excessive weight gain.

Moreover, carrots are low calorie-foods which means that carrots do not add much glucose or sugars to your dog.

Help Prevent the Risk of Diabetes

Adding carrots to your dog’s diet can help prevent your dog from diabetes. Carrots are rich in antioxidants, which help cut down the levels of free glucose in the bloodstream.

They also have a high glycemic index and do not increase the sugar levels of the body when served in a treat.

Improve Bowel Movement

Carrots are also a reservoir of soluble fibers and water. These nutrients help improve digestion and clean the stomach from toxins. This allows for easy bowel passage.

Improve Gut Bacteria

These fibers that are present in carrots are also good for intestinal microflora. These are beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion.

Help Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Carrots also help regulate cholesterol in the bloodstream through the reduction of oxidative stress and metabolism of glucose.

Control Blood Pressure

Carrots regulate the levels of glucose and cholesterol in the body. And these are the leading factors responsible for increased blood pressure.

Improve Heart Health

Carrots improve heart functions by controlling high blood pressure, glucose levels, and cholesterol levels.

Main points: carrots are important for dog’s health but you need to know the right amount and follow some guidelines before you serve your dog with carrots.

Keep reading to discover more facts and tips.

How Many Carrots Can you serve your Dog with?

The number of carrots required to serve your dog is small and it should not exceed 10% of your dog’s diet.

Feeding your dogs with too many carrots may lead to indigestion, stomach problems, and sometimes kidney problems. Always follow the guidelines and help avoid putting your dog at risk.

Are Cooked Carrots Good for Dogs?

Dogs can be served with cooked carrots. But, make sure you make the carrots into a bite-size chunk to prevent choking. Moreover, be sure you give your dog a small number of cooked carrots.

Are raw Carrots Good for Dogs?

You can also serve your dogs with raw carrots. Just as in cooked carrots, you slice the carrots into bite-size before serving dogs. Ensure that you don’t overfeed your dog with carrots to prevent indigestion and stomach upset.

How to Feed your Dogs with Carrots

There are many ways to feed your dogs with carrots. You can grate the carrots and give them to your dog. You can also convert the carrots into juice. Another way to feed your dogs especially smaller ones is by steaming the carrots after slicing or cutting. Make sure you feed young dogs with baby carrots that are steamed.

It is also important to note that the number of carrots to serve your dogs with should be moderate typically less than 10% of your dog’s diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Dogs can be given banana but in small numbers. You can find more information about these questions here.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon is good for your dogs as it contains the right amount of antioxidants and soluble fibers that help improve proper metabolism and bowel movement. Find out more information about these questions here.

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Apples are good for your dogs. Apple contains vitamins and minerals that help control heart and immune systems. Learn more about the benefits of apples for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Celery?

Celery may be good for your dog but make sure you pay close attention to the amount of celery you serve to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Corn?

Corn is not recommended for dogs despite some people are recommending it. This is because the starch in corn may sometimes become a problem for your dog, which later leads to health-related issues. The digestive enzyme for the dog is not well developed to digest too much starch. So, to be on a safer side, always try as much as you can to avoid starchy foods for your dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Yes, your dog can eat strawberries without a problem but make sure you serve the dog with a small number in a dog treat.

Can Dogs Eat Cauliflower?

Cauliflower maybe good for your dog. However, it is also important here to watch carefully the quantity you will serve to your dog.


The main takeaway to keep in mind about feeding your dogs with fruits or plant products is that dogs can consume plants but always try to avoid high carb and fat foods. If you are serving your dogs with fruits, try to avoid raisins and grapes, lemons, and limes or any other acidic fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, feed your dog with fruits and vegetables in a small number typically less than 10% of your dog’s diet. Other fruits dogs can eat include guava and blackberries.


We hope you find this article helpful. We would love to hear more of your questions. So, do write to us with your questions and views in the comment box below.

Recommended reading:

>Bananas: Is This Fruit Good For Your dog?

>Should Dogs Be Given Watermelon?: Here Is What You Need to Know

>Should Dogs Be Given Oranges?: Here Is What You Need to Know

>Should Dogs Be Given Guava?: Here Is What You Need to Know

>Are Carrots good for Dogs? Find out Here


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